Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Who Would've Thought

The most unexpected thing happened to me...*gasp! Few years back, I would have never ever thought that it could happen to me. Sure it can happen to someone else but by golly, not me. I told myself that these things are not my thing. At one point, I felt that it goes against everything I believe in. Oh, I had my own opinions on the matter and at one point I was like, "What are these people doing? Don't they know it's not right?". And now, few years down the road, here I am. Exactly where they are. How the hell did this happen? I know only one answer to that. KARMA. It has finally bit me on my arse. Haha. Everything I said got chucked out the window of reality. Is this how God teaches me to be more loving towards man-kind? To love without prejudice. To accept without limits. Well, this sure is a wake-up call. And what makes it even worse (maybe not), I like every bit of the experience it is offering. My heart is awaken. My mind opened. I see now. And I have no regrets. I pray that something good may come out of this...Oh Lord I hope so. =) Now, who would've thought huh. Linda...Linda. LOL!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Stick and stones may break my bones, but not your words...

A weird introduction to my blog thus I was just thinking about how my weeks have been. I am a darker shade of brown and I have found new friends. So far so good, you may think. But life, as usual, is full of bitter...and sweet experiences.

Bitter...why? Let's just say that I had the pleasure of encountering many shapes and forms to put it in a diplomatic way...should I say, "back-stabbing-glory-taking-green-eyed-gremlins"? Hahaha. Well, I am not sorry for my honesty but I am sorry for ever meeting such homo-sapiens. So, my advice to those who are in the same boat as I am...don't let them get to you. You are way better than them and never ever bring yourself down to their level cause then, you'll be no different from them. Strengthen your back bone, don't be spineless. But most of all, keep moving forward and don't spend even 1 second dwelling on what they think of you cause it is not worth it. [Making notes to]

Sweet...Aaaaah. My happy moments are in the form of a bunch of girls in a Netball Team that I recently had the pleasure of training. Who could ever thought that one can learn so many things from chirpy, sweet, nutsy girls. It's like they never run out of I found my inner kid in me and enjoyed every second of Netball with them. They taught me to laugh at myself and never take life so seriously but enjoy every second of it! Thanks girls. You rawk my world!

And this part is especially for Amy of my closest friend and fellow mother. I read your blog. I almost cried...actually there were already tears forming in my eyes. Like you, I wasn't given any manual to tell me how to raise my son. For me, the love I have for him was the driving instinct that taught me how to nurture him and raise him. I made mistakes too my friend. Still making them. And sometimes I break down cause I am my worst critic. I tell myself I am doing a bad job. But you see, as much as I want to teach Aidan how to live in this world...he teaches me how to be a mother. Note that I don't say good or bad cause I believe mothers are mothers. And as far as I am concerned...I will continue to make mistakes. That is the only way, at least I believe, that I can teach Aidan how learn to be a human being by allowing him to see that I am not perfect...and I try to love him above all things. You are not alone Amy. XOXO